Dark spots are also called hyperpigmentation and age spots. They are usually caused by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light and by age. The spots form because of an overproduction of melanin or skin pigment. They can appear anywhere on the body, but are most often seen on the face, arms, back of the hands, shoulders, chest and back.
Dark spots or age spots may range from light brown to black. They have the same texture as the skin and are painless. When you visit our expert, your spots will be examined. In most cases, we can tell if they are dangerous.
These spots may be caused by certain skin conditions, such as:
• Acne – after an acne lesion heals, it may leave a dark spot
• Melasma – during pregnancy, dark areas may appear on the face
• Certain medications – make the skin extra sensitive to direct sunlight
One reason dark spots start to appear during middle age is because they are the result of years spent in the sun. Today, people wear sunscreen, which will help avoid dark spots. Along with dark spots, there are other issues caused by exposure to UV light, including:
• Freckles
• Liver spots
• Melasma
Dark spots, whatever the cause, are not considered to be attractive and suggest aging, even in people who are relatively young. Fortunately, there are treatments that can minimize their appearance or remove them completely. However, once they are removed, if you again expose yourself to UV rays, you could develop more dark spots. Most of these spots do not pose any health risk, but if you have a doubt, it is worth having it tested by a qualified medical professional.
Some of the treatments we offer for dark spots include:
• Microdermabrasion
• HydraFacial treatments
• IPL Photofacial
• Oxygen Facials
• Obagi Nu-Derm System
Brown spots are usually harmless, but most people want to do something about them. The good news is there are several non-surgical treatments available at Vimi Medi Spa that can reduce or remove them, so you can have clear skin again. Once they are treated, you should take precautions such as wearing sunscreen or a hat so that new ones do not form.
Vimi Medi Spa has locations in Scarborough and Markham. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about your treatment options.