If you are tired of tweezing, shaving and waxing, then you are the perfect candidate for laser hair removal. The idea is to use highly concentrated light beam to destroy hairs permanently. It is the pigments in follicles that absorb light causing destruction.
The method is effective in removing hairs from the face, bikini line, underarms, legs and arms. The advantage of using this method is in the level of precision. It allows you to target the coarse or dark areas to ensure that the surrounding skin is not damaged. This is a guarantee that the results will be as expected.
Speed is another admirable benefit of laser removal. You will only need a fraction of a second to treat a section. The fact that you can focus on different areas at the same time and still achieve precision is an added advantage. It would take, for instance, less than a minute to treat the upper lip within minutes. It is therefore a procedure you can complete as part of your ordinary grooming.
The rate of predictability or reliability of this method is high. Most clients who undergo the procedure experience permanent loss within an average of three to seven removal sessions. This level of reliability makes it among the methods that offer the best value for money.
You need to consider a few factors before undergoing the procedure. The level of training and specialization of the treatment provider are important. If the procedure is carried out by an amateur, there is a possibility of side effects. Check reviews by past clients and inquire about their experience in offering the procedure.
Visit our clinic that has the latest equipment and trained personnel. Get a referral from a friend or relative who has undergone the treatment procedure successfully. The specialist and equipment available should also be suitable for treating all skin colors. A convenient location is also preferred for ease in consultation. It takes a while to complete treatment.
You should expect preparation of the skin and hair before treatment begins. The follicles are trimmed to a height of a few millimeters. The color of your skin is also scanned so that necessary adjustments can be made on the equipment. The thickness, color and location of the hair are considered.
The skin is treated based on its color and equipment used. A moisturizer will help the skin to heal. If you will be exposed to the sun, sunscreen is recommended. Unless a blister develops, you can apply make up on the affected area within days. Expect the hair to fall off within a month. People with darker skins are prone to blisters. Other side effects that you may experience include redness, swelling and scaring. It is rare to have a permanent skin change.
The cost is determined by a number of factors. The size of the area to be treated, the number of times the treatment is done and charges by the person performing the procedure affect the cost. The state or county where you will undergo treatment also matters. Establish a long term relationship to ease follow up.
Click Here to Book Your Laser Hair Removal Appointment Today