Laser hair removal can be used on both men and women to quickly, safely and permanently remove unwanted body hair. It eliminates the need to regularly shave or wax to get the smooth, hairless skin you want. In the United States, laser hair removal is among the cosmetic treatments people have performed the most.
How Laser Hair Removal Works
With laser hair removal you can remove unwanted body hair and prevent it from growing back as quickly or as thick. In this cosmetic treatment, specially trained, experienced technicians use highly focused light energy to remove the hair from the hair follicles in the skin. The laser energy is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and it removes the hair and prevents it from growing there in the future. This precision treatment has been used for more than 20 years. The process is fast and easy and the thermal energy targets only the unwanted hair. The skin tissue near the treated skin follicles will not be affected.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is versatile. It can be used to remove unwanted hair from tough or delicate areas of the body including the face, bikini line, underarm, arms, and legs. The precision lasers lets you selectively target the exact dark, coarse, hair you want to remove while leaving the skin surrounding it undamaged. Speed is another benefit. In a quarter of a second, the laser is able to treat a quarter-sized area and remove many hairs simultaneously. It takes under a minute to treat the area above the lip.
Before the Treatment
As the date of your laser hair removal approaches, you shouldn’t pluck, wax or have electrolysis performed on your skin for about six weeks. Do not stay out in the sun for long periods of time right before or immediately after your laser hair removal treatment. The hair in the area to be treated may be trimmed prior to the laser treatment. This will provide the laser with easy access to your hair follicles. The laser will be adjusted to suit the location and thickness of the hair to be removed.
Eliminate Unwanted Hair
If you’re tired of plucking, tweezing, shaving and using electrolysis to get rid of unwanted hair, this treatment may be a great option for you. The cosmetic lasers will quickly remove unwanted hair from anywhere on your body. This precision use of optimized, focused, thermal energy is a wonderful way to give you the great-looking, hairless skin you want. Contact Vimi Laser & Skincare Clinic today to schedule your consultation! We are located in Scarborough and Markham.