Laser hair removal is an unbelievably popular treatment. When a lot of people first hear about having this treatment, the benefits might not be readily apparent. Sure, it means that you don’t have to shave your legs, back, or bikini area, but how much can it really make your life easier?

What percentage of your life do you spend shaving? A survey was done that said that on average a woman spends 72 days of her life shaving her legs. Or to put it another way, she spends 1,728 hours shaving her legs. For men or women, is shaving enjoyable? Not usually. Most people would prefer not to have to shave, but they also don’t want to live with unwanted hair.

People hate to wax. People hate plucking hair. People despise dealing with ingrown hairs and rashes on their skin from manual forms of hair removal. When you think about it like that, the benefits of laser hair removal become clear. Not only do you save time, but you also get to avoid one of the most frustrating parts of making yourself presentable.

And don’t forget about the money. It is estimated that every year men and women spend a couple hundred dollars on average on shaving and shaving products. Over the course of one’s life, that comes to thousands of dollars. When you look at it this way, isn’t it easy to see why so many people are looking at laser hair removal?

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Lasers are not used to burn the hair off of your skin. Instead, lasers produce energy that is attracted to the pigment in your hair follicles. Your hair follicles deliver this energy to your roots. The energy is transformed into heat, and this heat kills the roots. When the roots are dead, hair cannot grow.

You are going to need a number of follow-up treatments in order to get the results that you want. This is because your hair grows in a cyclical manner. When you come in for your first treatment, you are going to have a number of hair follicles that are active. However, there also going to be a number that are inactive. Only the active ones will benefit from the treatment. So you have to come back in until all of your hair follicles have been treated when they are active.

What Results Should I Expect?

The results that one gets from laser hair removal are going to vary from person to person. In many cases, you can expect permanent hair reduction and long-term hair removal. For some people, the hair removal is permanent.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits you can get from laser hair removal at Vimi Laser & Skincare Clinic? If so, you can visit us in either Scarborough or Markham. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

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